Date in the Afternoon

I got to see Spiderman 2 today. Great movie. There aren’t many summer blockbusters that make me cry and have me walking away from the theater really happy.

Even better I got to go see it with Howard on a real date. It’s been a long time since we’ve scheduled an event, hired a babysitter, and gotten out of the house in the same vehicle together. Most of our “dates” tend to be the “put the kids to bed and rent a movie” kind.

We showed up at the theater a little more than an hour early. In fact the theater wasn’t even officially open yet. We figured this out by walking into the theater, past multiple employees, up the the ticket stand, finding no one there, and enquiring who was taking tickets. Not once did anyone accost us or tell us that we should wait outside the building please. Then we sat down in the lobby area and watched the pop-corn making employees. None of them seemed to think that we were their responsibility. Not even the man with the keys who walked past us three times. I found it extremely amusing.

Knowing we were headed for the movie early I’d brought a book along. I didn’t have to open it. Howard and I had too much fun just talking about stuff and making fun of movie slides. Almost 11 years married and we still make each other laugh. That’s a good sign I think.

3 thoughts on “Date in the Afternoon”

  1. We’re working on that. So far, we’ve got four years of being able to make each other laugh. I’d call that a good start.

  2. The slide came up about how popcorn is a tasty treat, and I noticed the popcorn on the slide was all white, while the stuff in our bag was yellow.

    “Isn’t there some old saw about don’t eat yellow popcorn?” I asked.

    We noodled along those lines for a moment, and then I acted out the scene at the concession counter.

    “Do you want extra butter flavor on that?”


  3. Here’s me, charging in waaaaay off-topic.

    I never saw your post here before, asking about book publishing. I’m answering it now, so there will be a reply shortly.


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