Dwindling numbers

In the past few weeks I’ve noticed a steady downward trend in the number of people who have me listed as a friend. This doesn’t surprise me. I started this journal thing with a bang. Howard shunted a whole bunch of traffic from the Schlock Mercenary front page into my journal. Then I aired some of my most amusing stories up front. Unfortunately the aim of this journal is not to be endlessly entertaining. I don’t seem to have Howard’s capacity to write something funny on a nigh daily basis. So it doesn’t surprise me that many people who impulsively “friended” me are discovering my regular journals uninteresting. All that ramble leads up to this announcement:

For anyone who would like me off of their friend’s list, but hasn’t because they worry my feelings will be hurt, go ahead and take me off.

I don’t want anyone to be annoyed by my little rambles.

12 thoughts on “Dwindling numbers”

  1. I think the ramble’s are just as interesting as those funny stories. The important thing to remember is you’re writing the journal for you, not everyone else. 🙂

  2. Exactly.

    I’m glad to know that other people besides myself are interested by my rambles, but everyone should feel free to leave if they are bored or annoyed.

  3. I did greatly enjoy the amusing stories, but your ramblings are interesting and often insightful, and more often than not put a smile on my face anyway.

    They really should have called it a “watch list” or something – the whole idea of a “friends list” really makes it seem more important than it actually is…

  4. Well, the whole reason I came up with my “non-default view” friends list was because of the whole friending/unfriending idiom. There were two of my friends whose content I didn’t want showing on my friends page.

    Personally, I like your journal as much as any of the ones I read. 🙂

  5. I have you on the Friends list to provide an insight into the Tayler household, along with a different viewpoint on life from a different perspective. While you got major pluggage from Howard to start with, when you first posted… well, I guess people were expecting punchlines.

    Life’s not always that way, but hey. You’re stuck with an audience. 😉

  6. I had you on my friends list before Howard. I agree with everyone else — your rambles are insightful and enjoyable to read. Not everyone has to be a comic. I like reading even the little blurbs. Your positive out look on life helps me improve mine – thanks

  7. That’s very thoughtful of you, saying you won’t be insulted or upset if people take you off their reading lists.

    Nonetheless, yer still stuck with me. 🙂

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