Day: December 5, 2004

Tis the season . . .

. . . for mice to move into our walls. Sigh. I heard one tonight. It was in the wall of Patches room, the wall right next to his crib. The Mommy Bear tells me that is far too close to my baby and that I should tear the wall open to slay the interloper. My more logical brain tells me to use traps. Unfortunately I have no clue where to set traps to catch that mouse. I have to set traps where the mouse goes and Patches and Gleek don’t go. So far I’ve only managed to identify one location like that, and it is inside a wall where I can’t go. grr.

Having skritching in the walls is NOT going to be helpful in quelling Gleek’s nighttime fears.

Any suggestions/tips on vermin killing are welcome. We get little brown deer mice.

Life is good

Yesterday Howard came up to me, gave me a hug, and said “Life is good.” I must agree. I really love our post-Novell existence. The only stress that looms is stress over money. But that stress isn’t the frightening “will we have enough to feed ourselves?” it is the worrisome “Can we bring in enough so we can keep Howard from having to go get a corporate job?” In other words what we fear most about this new existence is losing it.

We’ve fallen into some very traditional roles in this new life. Howard brings in the money, I manage it. I also do most of the housework and childcare. I’m not grumbling, because for the first time I really see how work = money. The money comes which comes in is directly related to the hours that Howard puts in while in his office. I’ve never been able to see that direct connection before. I’m also not grumbling because in this new life Howard actually does MORE housework and childcare than he had time to do before. He has time to play with the kids, which they love, and gives me a break.

We are so incredibly fortunate to be living this dream life. We’re both scrambling as hard as we can to continue it.