
Well, not really spring. But today was one of those gloriously sunny and warm winter days that make me start thinking happy spring thoughts. Such days are always followed by cold and snow and sadness that spring isn’t actually here yet. At least today’s weather allowed me to get outside and do some mental Yard-work-to-be-done triage. I’ve now got a list of things to do in February. Another list for March. A third list for April. I’m not going to think beyond April yet because the May, June, July lists are likely to be full of unaccomplished February, March, and April items.

Howard was bitten by the spring-weather bug too. He went disc golfing.

Snow is due Sunday afternoon. Sigh.

4 thoughts on “Spring!”

  1. I always think of Utah as being a warm state (I think it’s the whole Salt Lake thing). But you guys have mountains and great skiing, so I hear, so I guess I need to adjust that image. 🙂 How much snow do you get on average?

  2. We’re a desert. That means summer gets pretty hot, winter gets pretty cold, and neither one gets very wet. Fortunately we have mountains to gather lots of snow and feed it into reservoirs.

    Hot = We can reach triple didgets in July and August.
    Cold = Below freezing, but not by much.

    Conditions vary around the state depending on elevation and lattitude. I’m describing what happens at my house.

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