Day: October 7, 2005

Daddy time

It used to be that Howard travelled on business for Novell once a month or more. I missed him lots when he was gone, but the kids didn’t. If he wasn’t on trips, he was busy. The liked him, but having him gone just didn’t make much difference in their daily routines.

Today Howard left for a trip to a convention. Thus far this evening Gleek has tantrumed because she wanted her daddy home for a hug, Patches asked where daddy was, and Link climbed into my lap asking when his daddy would be home and responded to the question “why do you want to know?” with the answer: “Because I like him.”

Our home is a much better place than it used to be.

Week in Review

This past week surely had some fun things to tell, amusing anecdotes to share. To be honest I was too busy and stressed to notice. Monday was a day to try to get the house undercontrol, prepare for hosting preschool, and seeing Serenity. Tuesday was the Preschool day and when I’m hosting it wipes me out all day. Wednesday was Parent Teacher conferences. In theory that only takes place in the afternoon, but it loomed so much that it took up the whole day. Thursday was again prepping for preschool, trying to bring the house mess under control, helping Howard pack, and fall’s last soccer game. This morning was Preschool which included a field trip to the local garden center. It has been a busy week, but not an effective one. On none of the nights did I get enough sleep and so I was tired and sat when I should have worked. And here I am doing it again.