
It’s been a rough couple of days. Now I am home. I’ve upacked all the stuff that was packed for Howard and I to use at the hospital. I’ve unpacked all the stuff that the kids hauled over to their aunt’s house for the suprise sleep over. I’ve made Gleek bathe so that she doesn’t smell like sick or hospital anymore. I’ve made kids pick up the floors of their rooms so I can walk without tripping. I’ve even begun running laundry through the washer. Life is starting to feel normal again.

I finally have time to be incredibly grateful. I am grateful for modern medical science without which Gleek would probably have died this week. I am grateful for all the wonderful medical personell who were so kind and helpful. I am grateful for friends and family who dropped everything to watch our other three kids. I am grateful that this wasn’t any worse. I am grateful that while the medical bills will be painful to pay, we CAN pay them. I am grateful for Howard, because I was able to focus on taking care of Gleek and know that he would arrange for everything else to be taken care of. I am grateful that I still have my Gleek and that she is feeling better.

14 thoughts on “gratitude”

  1. I am very pleased and relieved to see that you’ve all made it through the process relatively unscalthed! What a difficult, trying time it must have been.

    ===|==============/ Level Head

  2. I am very pleased and relieved to see that you’ve all made it through the process relatively unscalthed! What a difficult, trying time it must have been.

    ===|==============/ Level Head

  3. I’m glad things turned out all right.

    Hospitals and doctor’s offices always make me want to go back to school and get a medical degree so I can diagnose things myself instead of relying on the competence of people I’ve barely met.

    Not that I’d necessarily be more competent than the doctors. But then I would know what competence level I was dealing with, and whether to push for a second opinion.

  4. I’m glad things turned out all right.

    Hospitals and doctor’s offices always make me want to go back to school and get a medical degree so I can diagnose things myself instead of relying on the competence of people I’ve barely met.

    Not that I’d necessarily be more competent than the doctors. But then I would know what competence level I was dealing with, and whether to push for a second opinion.

  5. Your comment helped me realize why I’m so upset over my management of Gleek’s illness. I have parented for almost 11 years. I know my kids and I know childhood illnesses. I’ve been Doctor Mom for chickenpox, ear infections, strep throat, colds, stomach flu, roseola, hand foot & mouth disease, fifth disease, and assorted viruses. These days when I take my kids to the doctor it is because I know exactly what is wrong. I just need the doctor to confirm my diagnosis and give me a prescription for antibiotics.

    Gleek’s illness was new. I’ve never had a child with a bladder infection or kidney infection before. I failed to diagnose it in advance. I feel like I should have been able to do so because I’ve had multiple bladder infections and a kidney infection myself. But she wasn’t exhibiting the classic symptoms. This illness fooled me and several doctors as well. I need to stop punishing myself for not being smarter than the doctors.

  6. Your comment helped me realize why I’m so upset over my management of Gleek’s illness. I have parented for almost 11 years. I know my kids and I know childhood illnesses. I’ve been Doctor Mom for chickenpox, ear infections, strep throat, colds, stomach flu, roseola, hand foot & mouth disease, fifth disease, and assorted viruses. These days when I take my kids to the doctor it is because I know exactly what is wrong. I just need the doctor to confirm my diagnosis and give me a prescription for antibiotics.

    Gleek’s illness was new. I’ve never had a child with a bladder infection or kidney infection before. I failed to diagnose it in advance. I feel like I should have been able to do so because I’ve had multiple bladder infections and a kidney infection myself. But she wasn’t exhibiting the classic symptoms. This illness fooled me and several doctors as well. I need to stop punishing myself for not being smarter than the doctors.

  7. I want to chime in and say that I too am glad she’s okay.

    That said.. it’s funny that the kidney/bladder issue is the one you’ve managed to escape. I’ve never seen a kiddo get roseola, except at the Hospital where I work. I don’t know that I’ve ever even heard of fifth disease.

    I too have a history of UTI issues, but seldom have any pain – or much in the way of symptoms at all – until it gets bad. Just.. y’know.. more fodder for not beating yourself up too much for missing the symptoms.

  8. I want to chime in and say that I too am glad she’s okay.

    That said.. it’s funny that the kidney/bladder issue is the one you’ve managed to escape. I’ve never seen a kiddo get roseola, except at the Hospital where I work. I don’t know that I’ve ever even heard of fifth disease.

    I too have a history of UTI issues, but seldom have any pain – or much in the way of symptoms at all – until it gets bad. Just.. y’know.. more fodder for not beating yourself up too much for missing the symptoms.

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