Okay I’ll admit that I’m sad

I knew that the Blogging for Books results would be posted this morning, but I was too busy to check until around 2 pm. That’s when I found out I didn’t place. I was exhausted from the morning. I hadn’t eaten lunch. And my head was still full of Things To Do. My first reaction was “oh well.” For about 20 minutes I honestly believed that I didn’t much care. But all the life had gone out of my day and eventually I realized that I do care. I care very much. I wanted recognition for something that was completely mine. I know I do stuff all day long. I know I do important stuff. Not just important, but critical. All day every day I do stuff. Most of it is for other people. Most of it is invisible. And most of it goes completely unnoticed. Or at least unremarked. I wanted to do something remarkable. I wanted recognition for an accomplishment.

I didn’t get all that I wanted. I need to be content with the measure of success that I’ve achieved. I was a finalist and now I get to try harder.