By request

In the past 24 hours my children have asked me to buy:

A trampoline
a collapsible blue umbrella
footie pajamas
silky pajamas
art lessons that last twice as long
a $53 pastel set
new video games because all the ones we have are boring
all the polly pocket sets in the world
a new backpack
a new computer for the family
a personal laptop computer
binder sheets for holding pokemon trading cards
a new robe

And they wonder why I always say no.

20 thoughts on “By request”

  1. GAH!

    NOW you mention silk pajamas… My father is coming home from China in like 2 hours (at least, he leaves China… I’ll see him some time Thursday). You have no idea how little those things cost at the Shanghi markets (or Northface coats, for that matter, should I place an order for his next trip?)…

    Seriously, next time he goes, I’m going to CALL you and ask if there’s anything I can force him to buy…

    I mean, it’s not like your exactly EASY to shop for, you know?

  2. GAH!

    NOW you mention silk pajamas… My father is coming home from China in like 2 hours (at least, he leaves China… I’ll see him some time Thursday). You have no idea how little those things cost at the Shanghi markets (or Northface coats, for that matter, should I place an order for his next trip?)…

    Seriously, next time he goes, I’m going to CALL you and ask if there’s anything I can force him to buy…

    I mean, it’s not like your exactly EASY to shop for, you know?

  3. Oh, if I’m including things Howard has asked for in the past 24 hours I’d have to add an ipod, a Wii, and an 8 foot long sandwich for the book release party on Saturday.

  4. Oh, if I’m including things Howard has asked for in the past 24 hours I’d have to add an ipod, a Wii, and an 8 foot long sandwich for the book release party on Saturday.

  5. The laptop is a request I’ve had… from both children. Also a car, a cell phone, a swimming pool, a job (that’s a weird one… my take on that is that you should go get your own job.) on line classes for high school (which she may actually get), coloured contacts, chocolate chips, body wash, coffee creamer and the Harry Potter 6 movie.

    If you’re a parent and you can’t say “no” and stick to it, you’re sunk.

  6. The laptop is a request I’ve had… from both children. Also a car, a cell phone, a swimming pool, a job (that’s a weird one… my take on that is that you should go get your own job.) on line classes for high school (which she may actually get), coloured contacts, chocolate chips, body wash, coffee creamer and the Harry Potter 6 movie.

    If you’re a parent and you can’t say “no” and stick to it, you’re sunk.

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