Sick kids and errands and stories Oh My!

Today began with emergency laundry. For those who are counting, that makes the third case of stomach flu this week. I’m just glad they’re all getting it done this week instead of on our road trip next week. But because I believe in the power of Murphy I will be packing a bucket in the car just in case. Being prepared for in-the-car vomit is a talisman against it right?

Today it was Link who was afflicted. Gleek was still not all the way well. Kiki seemed well enough that I happily drove her up to Centerville to hand her off for an overnight. Then later in the afternoon she felt sick again and was driven home by the friend’s mother. All day I’ve alternated between trips in the car, tending sick kids, and typing in the finished draft of my latest story. I’m glad I made the self-imposed draft deadline of March 31. Yay! Now it gets to lay fallow for a couple of weeks before I revise it and send it out to readers.

Among the errands today were a book order that had 2 day shipping. It’s headed for Washington, so I suspect the person wants the books before Howard arrives in Seattle. Also I had to pick up my business cards. That was a circus and a half all by itself. First they lost the order, then they found it, then they didn’t print it because their cutter was broken, then the cutter was going to be fixed today, then the cutter wouldn’t be fixed until Monday so they were going to have me cut them myself, then they finally said that never mind they’d find a way to get the cards cut despite their broken cutter. I got my cards 24 hours later than originally promised and I’m left to wonder if the cutter was broken when the order was placed. I question the ethics of taking an order if you don’t have the means to finish it. The poor young sales girl just didn’t know how to handle it professionally. I should never have known about their cutter problems, they should have just applied whatever solution they used today without telling me all of it.

As much as I’d like to go on and regale further events of my day, I think I used up all my storytelling energy on the final scenes of my story. Maybe tomorrow.