Instead of the letter
Instead of sending the letter, I went in and talked to Kiki’s teacher. I had to make sure there was no possibility that Kiki’s failing grades would get her held back in 6th grade. That would be a disaster for her emotionally. It isn’t. She’s headed for 7th. If it had been a possibility, then I would have fought the late work policy and we would have scrambled hard to make sure she did enough work to pass.
I expressed my concern to the teacher that there was no way for Kiki to bring her grades up at this point. The teacher agreed and said she intends to change the policy for next year. The teacher then granted a few deadline extensions for Kiki. I told her our plan for school work for the remainder of the year. Kiki still needs to scramble to get work done. But this time I’ve got her committed to scrambling rather than me enforcing the scramble.
This conversation was such a nice contrast with last Friday’s conversation. We were all happy and looking for solutions rather than angry.