Today my head is full of the business side of writing. I realized that there is a “Writing for Children” workshop running at BYU in a little over a week. This workshop would give me the opportunity to pitch Hold On To Your Horses to an editor and an agent. But it would cost me $120 to go. I’d also have to arrange babysitting for while I was gone. I’m torn. I’d love to give the book a chance to fly nationally, but I already have my plans in place. Pitching the book would delay those plans because I’d have to wait for rejections before going ahead and publishing through Tayler Corporation. If I did get a national deal, they’d almost certainly want changes made. The project then becomes less personal. Also if the book sells well, we could potentially make more money printing it through Tayler Corp. The flip side of that is that we also stand to lose money if it doesn’t sell. Perhaps I’d be better off talking to the editor and agent next year when I have sales numbers to show. Alternately I might be better off talking this year before it is a previously published work. I haven’t found any answers yet. I’m still pondering.