Domain slip up

Schlock Mercenary is down this morning and I feel like it is my fault. When we had to renew at the beginning of this month, it occured to me that we might want to check on the domain as well. But then I forgot about it. Somehow I assumed that either Howard or our server guy would take care of it.

No one took care of it. And because we registered the domain 7 years ago, all of our contact information had changed and so the registrar was unable to contact us. I do remember getting some paper mail talking about renewing domains, but I know that these companies try to snipe each other all the time. I figured it was all junk mail.

First thing this morning I jumped on the phone and got it all sorted out. The domain was renewed without difficulty, but it will take a couple of hours before the registrar’s system removes the hold. Of course I can’t relax until the site is actually up. Because until then I can’t feel sure that I’ve actually fixed the problem. I’m trying to think about other things, but it gets hard when the phone rings and it is a wonderful concerned Schlock fan asking if we need the loan of a credit card or help getting the domain renewed. They call because they know that Howard is out of town and may be out of touch. I’m incredibly touched that people care enough to call. I’m embarrassed that we were so publicly silly.