An accumulation of happy
A good night’s sleep can work wonders. I like my kids again. They’ve gone back to being generally agreeable and cute rather than screaming, kicking balls of emotion. I’m going to make them go to bed early again tonight and see if this is a repeatable miracle.
It turned out to be a very good thing that the kids were in bed early. Thursday is Howard’s gaming night. The GM for the game had a crisis which left the players at loose ends. They all came over here and tip toed into the house so as not to wake the children. It was a really fun couple of hours. Howard cooked some food. There was talking and laughing. Then we watched Back to the Future. I was really glad that my rough evening had such an enjoyable end.
Today was happy and productive for me. I got to field a bunch of emails from people who are excited about buying sketch editions of the next Schlock book, but who needed special help for one reason or another. I love answering that kind of email because only a little bit of extra effort on my part makes people effusively happy. I figure the extra effort is only due to these people since they’re paying our bills.
One week until pre-orders open. I need to run some orders through and make sure that everything works the way it should. The store had a pretty good stress test with the last book release, but we’re doing some different things. I need to test those.