Lately I have been lamenting the things in my life which must lay idle. I have the capability to make my home truly beautiful. I have the ability to create a wondrous garden in my yard. I could write stories and novels and get them published. I could devote myself to my children and help them to excel. I could push forward on efforts to help the cartooning business grow. If I pursued just one of these things I could be superlative. But in order to be superlative in one area, I’d have to give up other areas. And so I must pick and choose. My inner child whines and stamps her feet at this because she wants it all.
Then today came several reminders that I, who am incredibly blessed, should not be so greedy. Today I heard from a childhood friend whose current life is extremely narrow because of ill health. The life she is living does not at all resemble the one that she dreamed of when we spent hours spinning futures for ourselves. Today I heard from another dear friend who is struggling with an extremely high-risk surprise pregnancy, a house to sell, a house half-built, four kids, and the probable loss of the job which pays the bills. Many factors in her current situation are not of her choosing. Today I thought of friends who struggle with depression. Today I thought of friends who live far from family and have no companionship local to them. Today I realized that I am not the only one who cries tears in private over things she can not do. Today I remembered there are people who have so much more right to cry than I do. Today I wept a little on their behalf.
Today I realized that rather than stomping my feet and struggling to pick up all my things at once, I need to leave some of them laying where they are. Then my hands will be free to reach out and help some of these others who are suffering so much more than I.
Sandra, I wish you had even a glimmer of an idea of how much I needed to hear this, right now. I’ve been frustrated about things in my life lately, and I’ve been bemoaning my fate, thinking how unlucky I was… Just… thank you for posting this. It was just what I needed to hear.
I DO have a great life. Sure, I have struggles, but everyone does. And when I struggle, my family has been and still remains incredibly supportive. Though I’m far from them, I don’t have to endure my personal trials alone. Meanwhile, I can seek to help others and life THEM up…
Thank you, Sandra, for your insightful perspective. It helped me to find my own. 🙂
I’m glad the thoughts were helpful to someone else as well as to me. Thanks for letting me know.