Still learning
Kiki just came storming in after her second miserable school day in a row. This is the second time in two days she’s been required to do group work with kids who don’t care about getting good grades and who tease her because she does care. I now have to figure out how to walk the delicate line between letting Kiki solve her own problems and going to bat for her. The first step is to gather more information. I’ve left messages with the teachers. Hopefully they’ll get back to me soon. Mostly this is just a reprise of the ongoing disconnect between Kiki and her age-peers who don’t often share her interests and are not her intellectual peers. I know so much that would help Kiki deal with this stuff, but I can’t give her my experience. She has to muddle through and learn her own lessons. Much in the same way that I am still muddling through and learning lessons.