Shipping day

I did not get my outdoor hour today. This is the fault of the weather, which was chilly and rainy. However, I did spend two hours out of my house at a luncheon with other neighborhood moms. I’m going to count that since it was still out. It was really nice to get to sit and talk. After the luncheon, I spent the afternoon folding and packaging shirts. The helper I’d lined up decided that her life was too stressful for her to commit to helping me, so I was doing the shipping alone. It wasn’t bad since the size of the job is so much smaller. Also I only have about half of the merchandise due to production delays. The rest of the merch will be arriving on Saturday and early next week. So Instead of one largish shipping day, I’m having three medium ones. (Note: “medium” is about 50 packages.) I’ve currently done all of the packing that I have the merch for. The next two days will be back to normal and then Saturday there will be further packing.

We’re already in production on our next merchandise. Pre-orders for that will probably be the first or second week of June. Late June or early July is when we’ll have pre-orders for Hold Horses. July and August are the big conventions, so that is the last of the new merchandise until after Howard’s next book.