Month: May 2008

All big now

Having a toddler and a baby in the house have made me realize that none of my kids are little anymore. I knew this already, sort of, but today when I saw that Gleek towered over her cousin it seemed more real. Even Patches is all lanky and tall and sunbrowned. In fact he doesn’t really seem like a “Patches” anymore. Now he’s more of a “Patch.” Since changing his nickname from plural to singular also solves the problem of awkward possessives, I’ve decided to go ahead and do it. From now on Patches is Patch.


The growth of our business has enabled us to pay our bills. This is a good thing. As part of this growth the business takes up more space in our house. We used to have an office and a guest room. Then the guest room started doubling as a second office. Then the office took over and evicted the guest space. This is sad because I love having people come visit, but now I no longer have a space that I can just give to them. I loved being able to say “this space is yours for however long you need it.”

My sister and her two kids arrived today. In order to give them space, I evicted my two boys from their bedroom. The boys were not particularly pleased by this development. Bedtime was far from smooth as I tried to get three kids to all fall asleep in the same room. In the end I let my boys sleep on the couches downstairs rather than on the floor of their sisters’ room. More thought is necessary to make this run smoothly because we have another whole week of bedtimes to go. The good news is that the first night with visitors in the house is almost always chaotic. After that everyone seems to find a new rhythm. I’ve already got plans and getting to have my sister here is totally worth a little bit of disruption.

On the fun side, I got to snuggle a toddler nearly to sleep. My sister’s kids are adorable and very willing to snuggle right up to Aunt Sandra. The hug of a small child is a precious gift.