XDM in the morning and CSI NY later
This was a good layout day. I figured out how to make a table of contents and how to put automatically update page numbers on all the pages. I also helped refine even further an already fun visual joke for the book. We have one week until the drafting of the text is done and the editing of the text must begin. However I may have found a way to make the editing of the text not drive me insane. Hopefully my idea will fit into the budget.
In only mildly related news, I’ve been watching episodes of CSI NY when my brain just needs to rest. I liked the first couple of seasons a lot, but season three was weak. In season four I really started enjoying it again. It took me awhile to figure out why. But when the hero used a hand scanner to take images of a body and the coroner took those images into his holodeck where he then did a virtual autopsy on the floating 3D image of the body, that was when I figured it out. Somehow CSI NY went from being a law enforcement drama, to being a science fiction law enforcement drama. Everyone in the show is carrying around flashy technology which only exists in hideously expensive forms or which is only theoretically possible. Nothing is done by hand, it is all from some high tech source. It is like they pushed New York into the future by 20 years. So now the show is like watching Star Trek the original series. They even have a Captain Kirk. And yet somehow the puzzles still work and the technology is not deus ex machina. So yay for unrealistic entertainment.