Electronics to the rescue

Last night I was wound up so tight and so worried about getting all the XDM stuff done, that I couldn’t fall asleep until past midnight. Laying in bed with my brain fretting over the fact that I would be much more capable of accomplishing the impossible if I could just get some sleep first, was not fun. Note the job is not impossible. It is just that I had two three-hour tasks and a one-hour task that were all supposed to be complete by approximately 9 am. It is now noon and I still have a three-hour task to go.

I would like to note that this business-stressy spring break would have been made much easier if the weather were sunny instead of blowing sheets of snow. The kids an I are all trapped indoors and I have no time to take us all someplace.

Grandpa to the rescue. Last winter he supplied our family with a copy of Animal Crossing City Folk and a microphone. Right now the kids are all playing with Grandpa over the internet. Gleek’s little electronic character is happily running around in Grandpa’s town, picking all the flowers and chopping down trees. Link and Patch are down there too and they’re all happily shouting instructions to Grandpa over the speaker system. Hurray for internet and for retired Grandparents who are happy to play with kids.