Oh look, still working
This is me sitting and blogging on my laptop while the kids are falling asleep. Once they are asleep, I may use the hour between now and bedtime to get some more work done on XDM. If I do, then today will be a 10 hour work day for me. Yesterday was a nine hour work day. I want to push hard and just get it all done, but I wear out and those other waking hours get spent on things like eating, and dishes, and paying attention to the children. Sometimes I’m not paying attention to the children directly, but rather thinking ahead and planning for future needs of the children. Today the thinking ahead amounted to me providing dinner before the children declared themselves starving.
Today was a long day, a tiring day, but it was all just getting work done. This is much better than the fear-driven scramble of last week. Now it just remains to see if I will run out of work before I run out of time.