
I’ve spent all day recovering from the two-week long working marathon. It is a little like waking up. I’m tired and not inclined to take on anything strenuous. Bit by bit I’m starting to open up parts of my brain that I had shut down so that they would not distract me from the hyper-focus I needed to get the XDM project done. Three weeks makes a habit and so many of these thought patterns are a bit rusty from four weeks of disuse. But now I am remembering the writing projects that were set aside. I am looking around my house and seeing the organization it needs. I am remembering that I like having friends and spending social time with them. These possibilities are opening up to me again. I’m remembering who I am when I’m not working 10-13 hour days.

This evening we got together with long-time friends who moved back into the area last year. It has been 8 years since we spent time with them regularly, but they are the kind of friends where we can easily pick up right where we left off. There was reminiscing, and new stories shared, and laughter had. A good time was had by all. We need to get together with them again. Once a year is far too seldom. It was a nice parallel to be reconnecting with friends on the same day when I’m reconnecting with myself.

Tomorrow there will be more work, but the work will not dominate the day. I will be back in balance and that will be nice.