Crisp backpacks, blinding white shoes
New classrooms
New teachers
strict bedtimes
homework supervision
young minds lit up with new knowledge
expectations, mis communications
fund raisers and classroom events
New principal, new rules
fights with friends, fears, feelings of abandonment
drama over homework
The exultation of difficult tasks completed.
Am I ready for this?
Emails and contracts
distribution and advertising
books to sell
books to create
people to convince
planning for next year
Sales on ebay
offering discounts
paper and boxes and strapping tape.
numbers in the red, numbers in the black
Hours in front of the computer
emails that make me cry for joy.
Am I ready for this?
plotting and planning
submitting and rejection
drafting and revising
pondering and research
reaching out for contacts
feeling alone
the solace of understanding friends
getting out of my house
laptop warmed legs
the joy of finding exactly the right words
Am I ready?