That kind of day

It is the kind of day when I wear my fuzzy florescent yellow socks out in public because it is the only way I can bear to brave the blowing rain/hail to get my errands done.

It is the kind of day when I close my eyes while listening to a teacher describe an incident at school. Then I inhale a random crumb so that I sound like I am crying when I am not. My supply of answers runs dry long before the phone call ends. It is replaced by a new repository of questions.

It is the kind of day where my daughter and I quarrel, not because anything is wrong between us, but because we each have a head full of gloom and they are crashing in to each other. Unfortunately the needs of the homework require me to wear my Meanie hat for a time because I understand that the best path for her to get to a better place is by going through all the things that she does not want to have to deal with. (Huh. As I type that it occurs to me that I should probably take my own advice.)

It is the kind of day when my daughter sits at the counter with her tutor doing two hours of Algebra homework even though she does not want to. She works through the cloud of gloom and I stay nearby, ready to triage the potential emotional catastrophe inherent in Algebra combined with teenage girl.

It is the kind of day where I click through my bookmark list multiple times hoping to find new happy things. Frequency of clicking leads to apparent decrease in new happy things.

It is the kind of day where I consider ranting on the internet, but don’t because I’m just temporarily grouchy and the words would stick around far longer than the emotion.

It is the kind of day when I look at my to do list and realize that despite my emotional experience of the day, I got a significant quantity of things done so that tomorrow does not have to be insane.