I want to knock down a wall in my office. It would combine my office with a small pantry area, thus making my office bigger. It is a lovely plan, and now that I’ve thought of it I can hardly wait. Unfortunately on the office side of the wall are two book cases full of books. These would have to be boxed before the smashing could begin. On the other side of the wall are shelves full of canned food. There is also a freezer. The canned food and freezer need to be relocated to the garage before the smashing can begin.
The garage is something of a wreck. I know exactly where the canned food and the freezer will go, but it requires me to move some shelving, relocate an old drawing table, reorganize the bikes, and generally clean up the garage. One of the things currently filling the garage are left over shipping supplies from the shipping day we had last July. There are also boxes of displays and merchandise which we brought home from the summer conventions. Some of these things are bound for our storage unit. The rest really need to find a home downstairs in my shipping room, which is next to my office on the other side. Before I can begin moving the food and freezer this must all be moved.
My storage room is a complete wreck. It is filled with boxes of merchandise, boxes for shipping merchandise, boxes left over from conventions, and random things which got stacked in there to “be out of the way.” As I need things, I shift the things that are on top of them until nothing is neat and I’m having to wend my way through piles of boxes in order to grab things for shipping. The whole mess needs to be reorganized before I can put anything else in that room, including shipping supplies. Behind the place I stand to do shipping is an under-the-stairs cupboard. It would be an ideal place to stack shipping boxes so that I can grab them easily. Before I can fill it with the shipping boxes from the garage, I have to find a new home for the school supplies and random junk.
My office has a set of cubby cubes. They are poorly organized, half full of games and other random stuff which I shoved in them to be out of the way. These cubbys would be a good place for the school supplies and random junk from the under-the-stairs cupboard. The games in them really belong upstairs in the toy cupboards where the children can find them and play with them.
The upstairs toy cupboards are a jumble. There is no space in them, but there will be once they’ve been organized. Finally I found a task which did not have a “but first I must” in front of it. So that is where I will start. It will probably be a month of Saturdays before I finally manage to get to the task I really wanted to do in the first place. In the mean time I am looking around my house and wondering what idiot organized it so poorly in the first place.
Oh, boy, am I ever familiar with the near-endless chains or prerequisites. I believe I commented on them here just recently. We’ve seen lots more of them since we bought our house a few months ago. I have the relief of having some harebrained homeowner besides myself to blame for some things at least (e.g. who thought ultra-flat white paint in the bathroom was a good idea?). If you ever need an extra set of hands to set the inventory and such in order, let me know – I’d love to make up for missing the last *mumble* shipping parties, and organizing things is a strange pleasure of mine.
This sounds like the “If you give a mouse a cookie” of housework.
“Real homes aren’t organized, they’re lived in.” I have to keep believing
that, or I lose my primary justification for the state of my house.
I like that. I will now chant it while making my way across the jumble in my front room.