Some Days are a Wash

This morning I had too many things to do and I wanted to do them all at once. I wanted to sleep, go to the gym, shower, crop images for The Body Politic, do the laundry, work on the 2011 family photo book, clean the bathroom, write fiction, write blog posts, mail packages, prep invoices for calendar shipping, and write an amazing tweet which would convince the whole world to order Schlock calendars. All of these things were fighting for priority in my head to the point where I could hardly discern what the separate items were. I ended up laying down with a notebook nearby so that I could make notes of the thoughts that surfaced from the mess. This segued right into the first item on the list: sleep. I don’t like sleeping while the kids are in school. It feels like a waste of uninterrupted time. But today I slept for over two hours. The only other thing on my list which I worked on was the cropping for Body Politic and prepping some invoices. I really hope that tomorrow is a much more effective day.

The only thing that feels like I did it right was taking the kids to go see Wreck-It Ralph. We all came home singing and happy. Then there was homework to do.