Ways that this week has been hard:
Helping Howard track and manage some depression.
Kiki had an unexplained outbreak of hives, allergist evaluation had yet to be scheduled or paid for.
Parent teacher conferences revealed that Gleek and Patch are generally doing well, but there are some specific things I can be doing to help. Check Patch’s math homework, insist he practice his times tables, communicate more with Gleek’s teacher, etc. All are small. All will make a difference. All are yet one more thing I’m supposed to fit into my days.
Gleek had an orthodontic assessment. She wants braces and she very obviously needs them. Yet somehow I want to pause, pretend it isn’t necessary. I won’t. We’ll proceed. I just had more thinking to do than expected.
Link needed full focused attention while he worked through some feelings. He also needs me to step up my game and do a better job relating to him and connecting with him.
I got some publishing news which seemed discouraging at first, but may not be, and yet I still have to work through my feelings as if it really were completely bad news.
Patch continues to struggle with insomnia. I need to give him more snuggles and make sure he is getting more sunlight and exercise.
Smog. Cold. Snow.
Things which I’m supposed to do every day, but for which I’m lucky if I fit in three:
Read scriptures and study them.
Write fiction
Write letters
Things that were good this week, but still tiring:
Staying up late to watch shows with Howard after the kids have gone to bed.
Listening to Kiki tell me in detail all her thoughts and feelings regarding her current projects.
Listening to the kids play a game together knowing that they are having fun but that I’ll soon have to interrupt for bedtime.
I almost won at Laundry. If I fold clothes tomorrow I can declare a win.
Things I am looking forward to:
Howard and Patch’s birthdays
Friends coming to visit.
Small happy things:
Gleek’s crookedy smile, her energy, and the livestrong armband she has worn ever since her teacher gave it to her last spring. I can’t think of a better motto for that girl.
Link’s hat that we decorated with his personal symbol. I love how often his hat indicates his mood: pulled down, pushed back, crooked, backwards.
Kiki’s current painting project. She is creating a series of paintings about a girl making mechanical wings to take flight. It is highly symbolic of her right now.
Patch’s tendency to abort an upset with a joke, he’s developing a fine sarcastic turn of phrase. I also love that he makes a new picture for his binder each month of the year.
Howard’s diet and exercise plan which has been working far better than previously. I’m beginning to see him change shape, more importantly he’s happier.
A kitty who sat in my lap and purred for me.
Letters in my mailbox.
Breakfast with a friend.
It is Friday. I can sleep late tomorrow.