Planting Flowers for Future Me to Enjoy
School started. Link had an eagle scout project. Patch needed school support. We scrambled to send a book off to print. We had Salt Lake Comic Con. Howard had the Out of Excuses Workshop and Retreat. Then we had to scramble and fix something in the book that had already gone to print. All of this meant that some of my important projects kept getting pushed back. This was particularly true of the projects which are emotionally important but which don’t contribute to daily work or family maintenance. This was the fate of my gardening projects. Kiki and I did a marvelous job of working in the garden during May and June. After that… not so much. Yet today I fulfilled a promise to myself. I planted flowers.
We had a patch of ground in a triangle between the driveway, the walkway, and our porch. It has always had lawn in it, except for the middle part where we had pines and rocks. It was hard to mow and had always looked strange to me to have lawn there. In June I sprayed the entire patch with plant killer. I periodically repeated that as weeds grew over the summer. When someone gave me a lavender plant, I put it into the ground.
This is what the patch looked like this morning, though from a different angle than the photo above.
Unfortunately the light was not friendly to photography, but you can see that the lawn was rendered into dirt. I raked away the remaining detritus and the planting could begin. This flower bed is a gift to myself in spring. At some point I’m going to really want and need flowers. They will be there because I put in the work today.