Howard leaves for Comic Con International in San Diego on Monday. This gives us three days to do all the necessary preparations to make the convention work. We have to pack everything that needs to go to the convention. We have to prepare things here at home so that I can manage without him. We have to prepare accounting things so we are ready to handle sales and tax in a different state. The list goes on. This show is huge and stressy. Hopefully it will break even for us.
Add to that some monetary stress and a long-overdue next Schlock book.
Add to that a family reunion in 3 weeks which I have to plan.
Add to that at least two somewhat dysfunctional computers. (Howard is trying a fix on his right now. If the fix doesn’t work, then he needs a new machine. Setting up a new machine for him will cost us thousands of dollars and at least a week of buffer and we’ll be even further behind on the next book.)
Add to that a new writers group, which is happy, but still new and different.
Add to that a couple of personal writing goals which I’ve missed, revised, then missed again.
Add to that laundry and dishes and clutter all over the house.
Add to that 4 children who need food and stories and love and attention.
No wonder my back muscles have turned into knots.
I would suggest a Fundable for the computer issue, and I bet there’s a metric ton of fans who would probably assemble/”pimp” a system out of fandom.
And I don’t want to add to the pressure, but this next book is the one I am most excited about seeing. Knowing you are a big part of it happening makes it just that much better.
“Fundable?” You’ve capitalized that, like it’s a proper noun or something. Should I be googling?
I think they mean
And there are those of us that fix computers for a living that would be willing to help diagnose issues as well. Sometimes a replacement part can fix a computer for a lot less then replacing one.
Yeah, it’s actually a pretty neat idea. You set a target, set the length of the drive, and if you don’t hit your goal, it doesn’t collect.
“google it”…
umm, sir…
It’s times like these that feel like you are being squeezed through a very small tube… when you come out the other side, you won’t believe you actually made it through. Right? Women really do have super powers!
Good luck!
Oh it is so nice to see another webcomic wife feel this way. SD is great. Brad LOVES it but the weeks leading up to Comic Con are just crazy busy, stressful and so anxious. It’s so different than the other cons he attends throughout the year. So much more pressure in a strange sort of way. Yet so much potential as well. I collapse into a heap once he’s on the plane. He’s just a ball of energy waiting to go.
Hang in there,
Hi Caroline!
Exactly. I cannot count the number of times that I have silently wondered if this convention can possibly be worth the stress it causes. Financially it doesn’t. There are much easier ways to make the same amount of money. But then I think of all the critical contacts that Howard has made because of Comic Con. I think of the friends he has gained and the stories he tells. It’ll all be okay if I can just get him packed and out the door.
By the way, It was such a pleasure to finally meet Brad in Seattle last March. He was truly kind and welcoming. I wish things had been less hectic so I could have sat down to visit more.