I’m going to get to plan a birthday party for my mom

My mother is coming into town this weekend. The cause for the trip is sad. Her brother died this week and his funeral is on Saturday. But Sunday is her birthday and we’re going to throw a party. It’ll be just family, but there will be cake and games and presents. I figure she threw parties for me for 18 years, it’s only fair that I get to throw one for her. Besides it has been a decade and a half since I’ve been with my mom on her birthday. This is going to be fun.

2 thoughts on “I’m going to get to plan a birthday party for my mom”

  1. Birthday parties are great excuses for some celebration and fun during sad times. I’ve experienced that twice this year – in May, my grandfather died and my fiancee’s birthday was the next week, so we got to spend it with family back in Michigan. Likewise last month – my mother died the week before my birthday, and again I was in town to celebrate with my family.

    Have fun!

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