I’m a babysitter

Today is the first day of me being a childcare provider for someone else’s child. NotMyBaby arrived this morning at 8:15 and he’ll be staying until half past noon. So far it’s working out just fine. NMB is down for a nap now and I’m having breather. The adjustment is taking a lot of energy from me. NMB is an only child and isn’t quite sure what to make of Gleek or Patches who keep shoving toys in his face in an effort to make him happy. After about an hour Patches started feeling a little insecure about all the attention that NMB was getting from me and started plunking himself in my lap. After NMB went down for a nap I made sure to snuggle Patches and read him a story.

In other news I’m pleased and flabbergasted at how successful Howards first ebay auction is going. I’m hitting myself for not learning how to sell on ebay before this. We’ll probably be doing one auction a week during the Christmas shopping season and slow down after that.

7 thoughts on “I’m a babysitter”

  1. I don’t know if you guys realize the desire many of us have to own original Schlock pics. I know I’d sure like one — I briefly toyed with the idea of having Ennesby tattooed on me*.

    One thing I know Howard’s already considered — don’t glut the market. I definitely recommend continuing to auction off pieces, but if you auction off too many, the appeal will start to diminish and the price will drop. Right now they’re hard to come by for most of us, and that’s why the bids are progressing so nicely.

    Grr. I’ve been Schlockless for almost a year now. I really need a better connection at home… when I finally do get a better connection and start reading it again, I’m planning to start from the beginning. For the third time.


    *The reasons I decided against it:
    1) I couldn’t remember if your belief system was anti-tattoo, but it seemed like it might be, and I didn’t want to offend.
    2) It seemed like it might push me from “avid fan” to “creepy fan.”
    3) About the time I was trying to decide, Howard killed off a couple characters I liked… which made me wonder if Ennesby might eventually do something worse than die, like change into a less-likable character that I wouldn’t want permanently attached to my body.

  2. Agreed. If you’d been selling on eBay all along, this probably wouldn’t be doing so well. But then again, the first piece that you had sold would have, so.

    As for NotYourBaby, I suspect he’ll get used to the idea of spending four or five hours in the company of other children. Particularly once be learns that he’ll still be going back home to ActuallyHisMommy.

  3. Grr. I’ve been Schlockless for almost a year now. I really need a better connection at home… when I finally do get a better connection and start reading it again, I’m planning to start from the beginning. For the third time.

    This is why the idea of dead-tree Schlock is such a good one. 🙂 No Ads and you can read it anywhere.

  4. Thank you for not tatooing Ennesby on your person. I wouldn’t want character development to leave you with a mark you no longer like.

    If you’d like to tattoo the schlockmercenary.com URL someplace visible, I won’t object, even though tattooings are something my belief system counsels against. Bonus points if you can make it clickable!

  5. Re: Clickable?

    Or I suppose you could carry around a bunch of printed pages, and when you get “clicked” you could just hand the sheet over…


    You know, I have a really nice printer…

    Oh, I really need to go poke myself with a straight pin and remind myself that I don’t have the pain threshold to get a tattoo…

    Because if I do this, I might end up doing “Voice Spam” (as seen in PvP)…

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