
We don’t have either broadcast, cable, or satellite television in our house. This does not mean that we live in an entertainmentless cave. Instead we’ve gotten creative about how we get our hands on the entertainment we’re interested in watching. It is more work, but it means that we don’t have to put up with all the advertising and dreck programming that comes with a regular supply of television. We rent DVDs, buy movies, borrow movies, or barter trades. For a while we had a very happy arrangement where we traded homemade bread for the loan of MST3K videos. When my oldest kids were younger a friend kindly recorded a bunch of PBS programming for us. They watched and rewatched these tapes for years. Then the tapes sat and gathered dust because the older kids had outgrown them.

Today Gleek fell sick. Again. She needed something quiet to watch. I dug around the video cabinet and unearthed a tape labeled Zoboomafoo. I’d nearly forgotten this show. It isn’t on the air anymore, but my kids loved it at the time. I played the tape for Gleek. The image and sound have degraded a little with age, but Gleek didn’t mind. She was as enraptured as my older kids were when they were her age. Not only that, but as the older two came home from school, they plunked down to watch as well. Kiki reminisced loudly about how she always used to watch the show back in the “olden days.” I don’t know what it is about Chris & Martin Kratt and their lemur friend, but we’re all happy that they’ve come to visit again.

18 thoughts on “Zoboomafoo”

  1. This is why I’m seriously planning on taking all of the girls’s tapes and converting them over to DVD. The old stuff is still good but the recordings are going south.

  2. This is why I’m seriously planning on taking all of the girls’s tapes and converting them over to DVD. The old stuff is still good but the recordings are going south.

  3. Just a note. If you’ve got old tapes that you’d like to Preserve, Sony has an external DVD burner that can be hooked *directly* to the video & audio output jacks on a VCR (or a camera for that matter).

    And it works well as a 16x DVD burner on a PC (and will let you do bidcap to the PC as well).

    Might be worth looking into.

  4. Just a note. If you’ve got old tapes that you’d like to Preserve, Sony has an external DVD burner that can be hooked *directly* to the video & audio output jacks on a VCR (or a camera for that matter).

    And it works well as a 16x DVD burner on a PC (and will let you do bidcap to the PC as well).

    Might be worth looking into.

  5. I always liked Zaboomafoo. Now you’ve got me singing the theme song. (While walking through the woods one day . . .)

    We get most of our videos & DVDs from the library.

  6. I always liked Zaboomafoo. Now you’ve got me singing the theme song. (While walking through the woods one day . . .)

    We get most of our videos & DVDs from the library.

  7. I don’t know why they AREN’T on the air anymore…everyone loves Zooboomafoo! I really enjoyed learning facts ( maybe more than the kids) about all sorts of animals.
    This is where I learned about the Bintarong that’s a big bear cat with golden tipped black fur with a prehensile tail and smells like popcorn!
    (I got to see one at the State Fair this year… I was SO happy!)

    I wonder if their show would be out on video or DVD?
    I would get it.

  8. I don’t know why they AREN’T on the air anymore…everyone loves Zooboomafoo! I really enjoyed learning facts ( maybe more than the kids) about all sorts of animals.
    This is where I learned about the Bintarong that’s a big bear cat with golden tipped black fur with a prehensile tail and smells like popcorn!
    (I got to see one at the State Fair this year… I was SO happy!)

    I wonder if their show would be out on video or DVD?
    I would get it.

  9. Zoboomafoo–Good news!

    Good news!

    Zoboomafoo is back on the air! My kids loved this when it was on and were crushed when it went off the air.

    I found them a week or so ago watching the show when I crawled out of bed; just checked the listings in Utah– Airs Saturday mornings on KUED (Channel 7 broadcast) at 7:30 a.m. (http://pbskids.org/tvschedules/airdates.html?station=KUED&nola=ZOBO&title_id=ZOBO)

    I don’t know if these are new episodes, or re-runs, but just like my kids–it was nice seeing “old friends” again.

  10. Zoboomafoo–Good news!

    Good news!

    Zoboomafoo is back on the air! My kids loved this when it was on and were crushed when it went off the air.

    I found them a week or so ago watching the show when I crawled out of bed; just checked the listings in Utah– Airs Saturday mornings on KUED (Channel 7 broadcast) at 7:30 a.m. (http://pbskids.org/tvschedules/airdates.html?station=KUED&nola=ZOBO&title_id=ZOBO)

    I don’t know if these are new episodes, or re-runs, but just like my kids–it was nice seeing “old friends” again.

  11. They aren’t currently available on DVD, but you can find used DVDs on Amazon and ebay. Also apparently reruns are playing in the morning on KUED, someone below commented with details.

  12. They aren’t currently available on DVD, but you can find used DVDs on Amazon and ebay. Also apparently reruns are playing in the morning on KUED, someone below commented with details.

  13. Re: Zoboomafoo–Good news!

    It is almost certainly reruns since Chris and Martin Kratt have moved on to other projects. Most recently they’ve been working with the National Geographic Society to produce a series called Be The Creature. The new show isn’t appropriate for younger kids because it shows things like lions taking down an elephant, but for older kids and adults it is just as amazingly cool as Zoboomafoo was for little ones.

  14. Re: Zoboomafoo–Good news!

    It is almost certainly reruns since Chris and Martin Kratt have moved on to other projects. Most recently they’ve been working with the National Geographic Society to produce a series called Be The Creature. The new show isn’t appropriate for younger kids because it shows things like lions taking down an elephant, but for older kids and adults it is just as amazingly cool as Zoboomafoo was for little ones.

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