
The beginning of the end

The cancellation of Howard’s trips to New York, Montreal are such a relief to me. I do feel a little bad for disappointing the fans in those locations who were hoping to meet with him, but not bad enough for me to want him to go.

My brain has been so full of thoughts these past couple of days. I even had trouble sleeping last night because my thoughts were running around so fast they chased sleep away. Funny thing is I don’t feel all that tired today. I think I may be running on adrenaline or something. At some point I’m going to crash hard. Hopefully it will be tonight at bedtime.

Edit 6/15/2006: When we cancelled these trips we knew it was because Howard was leaving Novell. We were upset, happy, frightened, relieved, and terrified all in turns. We couldn’t announce his departure on the internet before telling co-workers, so we spent the next 3 days carefully not chronicling any of what we went through. It is sad because now I wish I had a record of it.

Wednesday Incoming

Here it is. 7 am on Wednesday morning. Anyone who has been reading my journal for more than a week knows that last Wenesday walloped me hard. I’m kind of expecting the same today.

Scheduled events:
9:30 am Drive kids to school
10-12 am Scrapbooking at the church (Yay! Adults to talk to!)
12-2 pm at home for Patches nap
2:30- 3:15 pm Gym time
3:30 pick up kids from school
4:15-6:15 drive in circles taking kids to and from classes.
6:30 Home and collapse

Unscheduled events that need done:
Folding laundry
organize computer desk
organize pantry
eat at least 3 times
feed the children at least 3 times

I could put more stuff into the Unscheduled Events column, but I’ll be lucky to get the stuff that is already there done. Besides I don’t want to feel overwhelmed before I even start today.

My Space

The process of arranging my new office continues. I finally got the pair of bookshelves moved to their new locations. It was work I could do solo, but I had “help” from Patches who pulled books from their neat rows on the floor and reinserted them at random. The moving of all those books is what inspired my “Too Many Books” entry.

The shelves sat in the same place for 6 years and now that they’re moved I can see that the mice really appreciated the convenient hidey holes underneath them. So tomorrow when it won’t wake the children I get to vacuum up all the little mouse “gifts”. Whee.

Once the floor is clean I can move in my work table and declare my new office done.

That’ll just leave the entire rest of the house to organize. . .

Phone calls

Howard called today. It’s always nice to hear his voice when he’s far away. It’s even more fun to hand the phone over to the kids and observe the conversations and behaviors which follow. Only Gleek and Patches were home today, but they’re the funnest to watch in a situation like this so that’s okay.

Gleek: Had to be coaxed to the phone, but once she heard Daddy’s voice the smile began. “I sent you a email.” The tentative smile stretched into a grin when Howard assured her that he’d gotten it. She then launched into a description of an event from a video game that she’d watched being played yesterday. I wish I could remember the exact words. At that point I wanted to reclaim the phone so I prompted her to say goodbye. She said “Byedaddy!” thrust the phone at me and ran off.

Patches: Wasn’t sure he wanted to listen to the phone, but the moment he heard Howard’s voice he got very very still. He listened very intently and then pushed the phone away from his head so he could look at it. My attempt to reclaim the phone at this point was aborted when Patches cried out “Dada!” and reached for the phone. He listened some more and said “Dada” a few times. Then he looked at the phone again, particularly at the little speaker holes. Somehow his Daddy was in those tiny little holes. When I prompted him to give a kiss and say goodbye he kissed the little speaker holes rather than the microphone. I then had to distract him with something really shiny or he would have continued to monopolize the phone.

Three more days and then Howard’s home.

Checking for news.

It is either pathetic or really cool, but at 5:30 am I got out of bed bleary eyed and went downstairs to check email, livejournals, and forums trying to find anything Howard added. There wasn’t much, Novell keeps him busy I guess.

Back to bed for me. Maybe now I can sleep for another hour without my brain running in circles wondering if there is Howard news.


In the process of organizing my new office space I’ve come to the conclusion that we have too many books. This kind of thought is practically heretical. How is it possible to have too many books? Well, our paperback Science Fiction collection runs over 300. The stuff that schools require as reading runs over 50. Old text books run over 30. Religious books over 75. The Juvenile fiction is over 100. The picture books are probably over 200. And then there is all the miscellanous stuff which is more than 100. We don’t have enough shelf space for all of that. Not even with the paperbacks stacked two deep.

The problem is that they are BOOKS. Books are good and special even if we didn’t enjoy reading it that much. But I’m in a mood to be ruthless and so I’ve pulled stacks of books that I’m willing to get rid of. And here lies the next problem. I’ve got to show these stacks to Howard before they leave the house. Odds are really good that I’ve got books in the stacks that he isn’t ready to get rid of yet. We need to find a way for us both to be feeling ruthless simultaneously.

If we were able to sell them rather than just giving them away that would probably help. Unfortunately I check ebay and books simply don’t sell there. In the science fiction section none of the books had any bids. Large lots of 100 or more books were going for $2.50. That kind of money doesn’t make it worth my time to put up a listing. Amazon is probably a better place to sell books, but I still have to go to the trouble of listing all the books individually and then continuing to store them until they sell. Sounds like a lot of trouble.

What I probably need to do is find a local used bookstore and cart them all there. I’d be happy to sell them all for 10 cents each if I could unload the whole lot at once. And if I could get cash. Store credit is no good, I’m trying to get RID of books.

The Sunday of enough sleep.

I actually got enough sleep last night. At 10 pm I walked away from my computer intending to wander upstairs and quiet the missing-of-Howard with a little Buffy. (I already finished the Monk episodes that he left for me) Instead I turned off all the lights and went to bed. Smart move.

Now it is Sunday morning and I feel good. The kids are all playing Windwaker. Well, Kiki is playing, Link is on the tingle tuner, Gleek and Patches are watching. But the point is that they’re all cute and happy and having fun together. I think I’m going to make french toast for breakfast. That will add to the happy.

Trading Spaces part 2

Howard’s office is now completely moved. There are still small set up chores to be done, pictures to be hung, etc, but everything is in there and it all works. This is thanks to Chalain and Liren.

I simply can’t say enough nice things about Chalain or Liren in this move. They surrendered an entire Saturday. They came despite the fact that Chalain’s back was murderously painful. They not only helped me unplug and reconnect the computer, but brought tools and helped me lay cable through the walls to provide internet connectivity. They put up cable in such a way that we can conveniently hook up a server should we ever choose to do so. And They did all this for the price of a pizza lunch. Friends like that are truly truly priceless. I’m very lucky to have them.

The cable laying and computer hook up were tedious, but everything worked perfectly the first try. I really couldn’t ask for anything more except for Howard to be home to see his new space.

Trading Spaces

Today is the day of The Big Move. I’ve rounded up help to move Howard’s drawing and computing space out of the Dungeon Office of Doom and into a room with a view. Granted it is mostly a view of grass and feet, but it has actual daylight.

The move is about halfway done right now. The heavy lifting is over. Two amazing friends came over and carried Howard’s big drawing table up the stairs and maneuvered it around the corner into his new office without having to disassemble it. This saved us one or two hours of frustration with accompanying attmepts to not swear. I was REALLY not looking forward to taking that thing apart and putting it back together. There are springs and bolts and nuts and odd shaped pieces of metal involved. Instead all of the heavy lifting was done in less than 30 minutes. Yay!

Now comes the computer re-assembly. I’ve drafted Chalain and Liren to help me with this. Mostly Chalain, Liren is along for the ride and to keep me company. In theory the computer reassembly is tedious, but routine. Except that I know computer systems. We could be in for an hour or two of frustration with accompanying attempts not to swear.

Travelling again

The human mind is an amazing thing. I’ve been so excited and anticipatory about moving the office on Saturday that I managed to almost totally repress the fact that Howard had to leave for a week long trip today. Repression fled last night as I helped Howard pack his suitcases. Then I got to spend time with him this morning and then Gleek, Patches, and I got to wave goodbye as he drove away. (Link & Kiki said bye before they went to school.)

The good news is that I’m still sufficiently anticipatory about moving the office that I’m not feeling sad or lonely yet. I figure I’m saving the sad and lonely until Saturday night when all the work is done and Howard isn’t here to admire it. I have the camera and I’ll take pictures to show to him, but it won’t be the same as having him here to give me a hug and say “Wow!”

Today begins three weeks during which I’ll see Howard for 4 days. This is the tightest packed travel schedule that we’ve ever dealt with. Hopefully I’ll keep busy enough that the time will go quickly.